Latest Nanopublications of Type: Semantic-model

Full type identifier:

 Population and Community Ontology | PCO FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary FER Semantic-model

 Open Digital Rights Language FER FSR FAIR-Specification FAIR-Supporting-Resource Semantic-model

 Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types | QUDT FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 PBPK ontology FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks StationXML | FDSN StationXML FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 FDPspec | FAIR Data Point specification FER Metadata-schema FSR FAIR-Specification Provenance-model Communication-protocol Semantic-model

 TXPO | Toxic Processes Ontology FER FAIR-Specification FSR FAIR-Specification Semantic-model

 I-ADOPT Framework FER Semantic-model

 SHACL Shapes Constraint Language Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 National Center for Biotechnology Information Taxonomy FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 IAOPO | Initial Adverse Outcome Pathway ontology FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 FAIR-EuMon metadata schema for biodiversity monitoring FER BiodiversityDataJournal Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 Europeana Data Model for Cultural Heritage (EDM) FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 Metadata Object Description Schema FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 FAIR-EuMon metadata schema for biodiversity monitoring FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 DDI Lifecycle 3.1 FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 ISCO-08 | The International Standard Classification of Occupations FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 RO-Crate | Research Object Crate FER Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema FAIR-Specification Provenance-model FAIR-Supporting-Resource Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 SKOS | Simple Knowledge Organization System Knowledge-representa... FER FAIR-Specification FAIR-Supporting-Resource Semantic-model

 OIH | Ocean InfoHub metadata service FER Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Metadata-preservatio... Semantic-model

 OHDSI Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 RO | Relation Ontology FER Semantic-model

 Semantic-model: ExO | Exposure Ontology FER FAIR-Specification FSR Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Semantic-model: ECTO | Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology FER FAIR-Specification FSR Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Structured-vocabulary: ChEBI | Chemical Entities of Biological Interest FER FAIR-Specification FSR Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Metadata Schema: DwC | Darwin Core FAIR-Enabling-Resource FER FAIR-Specification Metadata-schema FSR Provenance-model Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 DEIMS-SDR Site Metadata Model FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 EML >=2.2.0 | Ecological Metadata Language >=2.2.0 FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 OBO | Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology FSR Semantic-model

 UMLS | Unified Medical Language System FSR Semantic-model

 OWL | Web Ontology Language FSR Semantic-model

 FAIR-enabling resource: MOD | Metadata for Ontology Description and publication Ver 2.0 Knowledge-representa... FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 FAIR-enabling resource: NP_onto | Nanopublication Ontology FER Metadata-data-linkin... Semantic-model

 Structured-vocabulary: ChEMBL | Chemical database of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory FER FAIR-Specification Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 RVM | Répertoire de vedettes-matière de l'Université Laval FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Répertoire de vedettes-matière de l'Université Laval FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 The PROV Ontology FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 ISO 8601 data and time format FER Semantic-model

 ISO 8601 data and time format FER Semantic-model

 QLIT | Queer Literature Indexing Thesaurus FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Homosaurus linked open vocabulary FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 LSCH | Library of Congress Subject Headings FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 EAD Encoded Archival Description FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 IDS The Intermediate Data Structure for Longitudinal Historical Microdata FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 AMCO Repertorium van Nederlandse gemeenten vanaf 1812 waaraan toegevoegd de Amsterdamse code FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Historical ICD FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 History Of Work Information System FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 DDI Controlled Vocabularies FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 DDI CDI | Cross-Domain Integration FER Provenance-model Semantic-model

 ISCO-08 | The International Standard Classification of Occupations FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 NACE Rev. 2 FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 DDI-Lifecycle 3.3 FER Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 DDI Controlled Vocabularies Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 R File Format Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 SAS File Format for the SAS Statistical Analysis System Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 IBM SPSS Statistics Data File Format Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 CESSDA Controlled Vocabulary for CESSDA Topic Classification FER Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Stata Data File Format (.dta) Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 CSV File Format Knowledge-representa... FER Semantic-model

 DDI-Codebook|Data Documentation Initiative - Codebook FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 IUPAC Machine Accessible Periodic Table FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 IUPAC Solubility Metadata Schema for Chemical Systems FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 Research Object Crate FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 OceanSITES | OceanSITES Data Format FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 European Plate Observing System - Data Catalogue vocabulary - Application Profile FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 LifeWatch ERIC Upper Ontology FER Semantic-model

 EISCAT Level 3 HDF5 archival format FER Semantic-model

 HDF5 archival file format for data in Madrigal FER Semantic-model

 Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical data - working group on Data eXchange FER Semantic-model

 MADRIGAL data model FER Semantic-model

 eLTER_Data_Specification_Draft FER Semantic-model

 DCAT | Data Catalog Vocabulary Version 2 FER Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 Linked Data Event Streams FER Communication-protocol Semantic-model

 EPND CS1 Cedar Workbench Template | Metadata template for Case Study 1 of the EPND platform fip:Available-FAIR-E... FER Semantic-model

 RAr85Sp70I FER Semantic-model

 GEOMS | Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model

 LifeWatch ERIC Metadata Catalogue FER Registry Semantic-model

 DC | Dublin Core FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 CERIF | Common European Research Information Format FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 NASA Ames Format | The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Format for Data Exchange FER Semantic-model

 WMO Core Profile | World Meteorological Organization Core Metadata Profile FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 DataCite Metadata Scheme FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 DIF | Directory Interchange Format FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 EML | Ecological Metadata Language FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 OBOE | Extensible Observation Ontology FER Semantic-model

 ABCDEFG | Access to Biological Collection Databases Extended for Geosciences FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 ABCD | Access to Biological Collection Data FER Metadata-schema Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 openDS | Open Digital Specimen FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 PROV-O | W3C PROV Ontology FER Provenance-model Semantic-model

 OGC SensorML | Open Geospatial Consortium Sensor Model Language FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 ISO 19139 | Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 ISO 19115 | Geographic information - Metadata FER Metadata-schema Provenance-model Semantic-model

 Crossref (DOI) Authentication-and-a... Knowledge-representa... FER Registry Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Provenance-model Identifier-service Metadata-preservatio... Semantic-model

 OGC-SensorThings FER Semantic-model

 ISO 19110|Geographic Information - Methodology for feature cataloguing FER Semantic-model

 SALURBAL FAIR strategy Authentication-and-a... Knowledge-representa... FER Registry Metadata-data-linkin... Metadata-schema Provenance-model Identifier-service Communication-protocol Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary

 American Standard Code for Information Interchange Knowledge-representa... FER Provenance-model Communication-protocol Semantic-model Structured-vocabulary