References for: has_adverse_event

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has adverse event - An untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject that happens during treatment with a therapeutic agent. Adverse events may be caused by something other than the drug or therapy being given and may include abnormal laboratory finding, symptoms, or diseases temporally associated with the treatment, whether or not considered related to the treatment. Adverse events are unintended effects that occur when a medication is administered correctly.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
has adverse event - An untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject that happens during treatment with a therapeutic agent. Adverse events may be caused by something other than the drug or therapy being given and may include abnormal laboratory finding, symptoms, or diseases temporally associated with the treatment, whether or not considered related to the treatment. Adverse events are unintended effects that occur when a medication is administered correctly.
Tobias Kuhn
links a nanopublication to its assertion assertion
has adverse event - An untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject that happens during treatment with a therapeutic agent. Adverse events may be caused by something other than the drug or therapy being given and may include abnormal laboratory finding, symptoms, or diseases temporally associated with the treatment, whether or not considered related to the treatment. Adverse events are unintended effects that occur when a medication is administered correctly.
Tobias Kuhn