Latest Nanopublications by Tobias Kuhn


 Approval of: RACLjxjhsT approvesOf

 Canis simensis (species) - eats - Kniphofia foliosa (species) Biodiv OrganismTaxonToOrgan...

 Another test... Example label

 this is just a test message :) Example label

 Get the templates using given URI API

 Get the labels assigned to a thing API

 Get the classes assigned to a thing API

 Get instances for class API

 Find referencing nanopubs API

 RAqCcv5Nxy Example class12 class11 class10 class1 class2 class7 class8 class9 class3 class4 class5 class6 type

 Approval of: RA5Ts30Nrf approvesOf

 Comment on: why-not-rdf comment

 Get latest instance nanopubs API

 Get instance count API

 Approval of: RA-fum-Av0 approvesOf

 Hoffmann-La Roche - uses - linked data Q18616576 Example P2283

 10.3233/DS-170010 supports Genuine Semantic Publishing DataScience

 Article: Genuine semantic publishing DataScience PositionPaper ScholarlyWork

 genuine semantic publishing DataScience

 Template: Describing core article metadata AssertionTemplate

 Provenance template: From biodiversity research described in a paper ProvenanceTemplate UnlistedTemplate

 Provenance template: From biodiversity research described in unpublished manuscript ProvenanceTemplate

 Provenance template: From biodiversity research described in an article/preprint ProvenanceTemplate

 Provenance template: Biodiversity-related assertion derived from existing resource ProvenanceTemplate

 Provenance template: Attributed to somebody with basis of record ProvenanceTemplate UnlistedTemplate

 Provenance template: Attributed to myself/others and (partly) derived from an existing entity ProvenanceTemplate

 Provenance template: Generated by a formalization activity ProvenanceTemplate

 Provenance template: Attributed to myself/others with basis of record ProvenanceTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Additional nanopublication creators PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Additional creators UnlistedTemplate PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Creator PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: License PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Derived PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Nanopublication class PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Supersedes previous version PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Update in response to reviews PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: nanopublication for Lorentz workshop on FAIR 2024 UnlistedTemplate PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: nanopublication for Nano Session #9 (Special) UnlistedTemplate PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Hand-coded statements PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Authors PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Type PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Example PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Contributor names PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Part of article PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Biodiversity-related PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Labels for things PubinfoTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Draft PubinfoTemplate

 Provenance template: Attributed to myself/others ProvenanceTemplate

 Pubinfo template: Author list PubinfoTemplate

 Knowing Philipp von Essen knows Example

 Template: Testing the new agent placeholder AssertionTemplate UnlistedTemplate

 Template: Defining a publication info template AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a provenance template AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining an assertion template AssertionTemplate

 Template: Declaring the participation at a 3PFF event AssertionTemplate UnlistedTemplate

 Find 3PFF events API

 Full-text search on things API

 just testing... Example label

 Approval of: RAirzrDxab approvesOf

 Full-text search on labels API

 Get introducing nanopub for thing API

 Get nanopublications by type API

 Get latest candidate nanopublications for RIO API

 Get reactions for Data Science API

 Get latest candidate nanopublications for Data Science API

 Find URI references API

 Template: Asserting a relation between a work/person and a statement AssertionTemplate

 Template: Expressing a statement as an AIDA sentence AssertionTemplate

 Template: Asserting a relation between two statements AssertionTemplate

 AIDA sentence: This is another test. Example AIDA-Sentence type

 Template: Expressing a statement as an AIDA sentence AssertionTemplate UnlistedTemplate

 AIDA sentence: This is a test. AIDA-Sentence type

 Comment on: TrackInfo comment

 Class: hackathon Example Class

 Scarabaeus viettei (Paulian, 1953) (species) - has habitat - tropical dry broadleaf forest BiodiversityDataJournal Biodiv OrganismTaxonToEnvir...

 Scarabaeus sakalava Montanaro & Tarasov, 2024 - has habitat - tropical dry broadleaf forest BiodiversityDataJournal Biodiv OrganismTaxonToEnvir...

 New Species: Scarabaeus sakalava BiodiversityDataJournal NCIT_C45293 Biodiv NCIT_C40098

 AIDA sentence: Language is not an essential prerequisite for thinking. AIDA-Sentence

 Approval of: RAVDADTmlY approvesOf

 Approval of: RAzD-GRSYY approvesOf

 AIDA sentence: The rise of life expectancy in developed countries has slowed in the period of 2010 to 2019 as co... AIDA-Sentence

 Approval of: RA_QqS9bPx approvesOf

 Approval of: RAI3226-kt approvesOf

 Approval of: RAFoSunH-j approvesOf

 Approval of: RAITEqC7i8 approvesOf

 Approval of: RAQkT6p_NT approvesOf

 Approval of: RAydnfT098 approvesOf

 Approval of: RA8camy3HL approvesOf

 Approval of: RAzHIK9EPf approvesOf

 Approval of: RA4sX3WSgX approvesOf

 Approval of: RAaRyKkHrD approvesOf

 Approval of: RAop686Eb6 approvesOf

 Approval of: RARdeVYrtD approvesOf

 Approval of: RAU25UwWLx approvesOf

 Approval of: RAXFcU1zrd approvesOf

 Approval of: RAeQLIGimq approvesOf

 Approval of: RA91dog33U approvesOf

 Approval of: RAP19f9oBG approvesOf

 Approval of: RAb4jd2R6r approvesOf

 Approval of: RAegaOhPaN approvesOf