Latest Nanopublications by Barbara Magagna


 Template: Declaring the participation in a 3PFF event AssertionTemplate

 Template: 3PFF Qualification AssertionTemplate

 Template: Declaring the completion of a 3PFF Programme AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a 3PFF event AssertionTemplate

 Approval of: RAmXN-8xo0 approvesOf

 Approval of: RA9tKFWS9v approvesOf

 Approval of: RAFp9N8b9y approvesOf

 Approval of: RAnB94MmJa approvesOf

 Qualification of: RAzYndwcdM qualifies

 Qualification of: RArTxqXrFL qualifies

 Qualification of: RAkz7MWhq2 qualifies

 Qualification of: RAfI4K4m6n qualifies

 Qualification of: RAZ9rsGtk8 qualifies

 Qualification of: RAYSoPOD3X qualifies

 RAaXOe-PL_ participatedAsFacili...

 Approval of: RAN7ramYu- approvesOf

 Approval of: RAmjv_pyE0 approvesOf

 Approval of: RAnJxxXHXT approvesOf

 Approval of: RAnJxxXHXT approvesOf

 Approval of: RAPF0sZfBg approvesOf

 Approval of: RAxT2LSEs- approvesOf

 Approval of: RAoSYIwkxY approvesOf

 Qualification of: RA9uMGaKyl qualifies

 Qualification of: RAJoZ48Fiv qualifies

 Approval of: RAg46o3CHP approvesOf

 Template: Approving the metadata nanopublication for a FAIR Supporting Resources AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a FAIR practice AssertionTemplate

 FA.4.1 | MusiCC FAIR Awareness 1 FAIR-Awareness 3PFF-Workshop FSR 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 OIDC | OpenID Connect Authentication-and-a... FER FSR FAIR-Supporting-Service

 Template: Defining an Authentication and Authorization Service AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a Validation Service AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining an Editor AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a Provenance tracking service AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a Crosswalk AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a Registry AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a Web API AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining a FAIR Specification AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining an Identifier Service AssertionTemplate

 Template: Defining an Authentication and Authorization Service AssertionTemplate

 FA.4.1 | MusiCC FAIR Awareness 1 FAIR-Awareness 3PFF-Workshop FSR 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 Template: Defining a FAIR Specification aligned with the FDOF spec AssertionTemplate

 disapprove of RAs5lERrJU disapprovesOf

 Qualification of: RAe2pxev-Z qualifies

 FIP.25.T.2 | PARC FIP Training FIP-Event FSR 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 disapprove of RAqMuPJzy7 disapprovesOf

 disapprove of RAR0r_qCpG disapprovesOf

 disapprove of RALKXRKQRR disapprovesOf

 disapprove of RAzBUyebQX disapprovesOf

 M4M.32.W.7 | PARC HBM Metadata 3PFF-Workshop M4M-Consultation FSR 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 M4M.32.W.4 | PARC HBM Metadata 3PFF-Workshop M4M-Consultation FSR 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 Template: Declaring a FAIR Digital Object AssertionTemplate

 solar wind electron density Variable

 wind solar electron density Variable

 electron density of solar wind electron Variable

 Template: Defining a new variable according to the I-ADOPT Framework AssertionTemplate

 FIP.30.T.1 | Data Steward Torino FIP-Event FSR In-Person-Event 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event

 Approval of: RAK_tJc-SZ approvesOf

 Approval of: RARisNX2Vn approvesOf

 Approval of: RABEmWFTGJ approvesOf

 RAubmi5CwQ participatedAsTrainerIn

 Approval of: RAJSnGZrHT approvesOf

 Approval of: RA9vJOUV9b approvesOf

 Approval of: RAO8yIWlX2 approvesOf

 Approval of: RAoskiO8y9 approvesOf

 Approval of: RAatcCsM_X approvesOf

 Approval of: RAU8wp7BPY approvesOf

 Approval of: RALyXsx7LP approvesOf

 Approval of: RA5yZfnO1a approvesOf

 FIP.30.T.1 | Data Steward Torino FIP-Event FSR In-Person-Event 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event

 Data Stewards CUAP Univerisità Torino FAIR-Implementation-... FSR

 Qualification of: RAX6u8b14R qualifies

 FIP.29.W.1 | CDS Summer Training Week 2024 - FAIR Implementation for Research Communities FSR In-Person-Event 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event FIP-Introduction

 Qualification of: RA4e_LwRPf qualifies

 Qualification of: RA5c-SUjsR qualifies

 Qualification of: RAEIQpUpoL qualifies

 Qualification of: RAxp8L2-gT qualifies

 Approval of: RAxQb22Bl_ approvesOf

 Approval of: RA0nAQ5WIi approvesOf

 depth of water body in lake, stagnant surface water water level in lake, stagnant surface water Variable

 Qualification of: RA8jY7K72c qualifies

 FIP.25.T.3 | PARC Facilitator Training FIP-Event FSR 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 Qualification of: RAyaKpS_ps qualifies

 FIP.25.T.4 | PARC FIP Training FIP-Event FSR 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 Qualification of: RAxALTnQWh qualifies

 FIP.26.W.1 | ZonMw Workshop 3PFF-Workshop M4M-Consultation FSR 3PFF-event Virtual-Event

 Qualification of: RAo-u0Pg3N qualifies

 FA.2.1 | GO FAIR Austria FAIR Awareness Day 1 FAIR-Awareness 3PFF-Workshop FSR Hybrid-Event 3PFF-event

 Qualification of: RAqKJ1H2cU qualifies

 FA 2.2 | GO FAIR Austria FAIR Awareness Day 2 FAIR-Awareness 3PFF-Workshop FSR Hybrid-Event 3PFF-event

 Qualification of: RAD9go3hhx qualifies

 FA.1 | 3PFF Summer School - FAIR Awareness FAIR-Awareness FSR Hybrid-Event 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event

 FA.1 | 3PFF Summer School - FAIR Awareness FAIR-Awareness FSR Hybrid-Event 3PFF-Training 3PFF-event

 Class: 3PFF Workshop| Three Point FAIRification Framework Workshop Class

 Class: FIP event | FAIR Implementation Profile event Class

 Class: M4M Facilitator Class

 Class: 3PFF Trainer Assistant Class

 Class: 3PFF Facilitator Assistant Class

 Property: participated as trainer in Property ObjectProperty

 Property: participated as trainer assistant in Property ObjectProperty

 Property: participated as participant in Property ObjectProperty